WEEK-12 - Network Robustness
At what threshold fc will the network A fall apart if we remove a fraction f of nodes?
Will the threshold fc change If we add more 100 levels of a nodes, where all nodes between black nodes and the purple nodes have the same degree as the black nodes (each black node has 4 degree, as depicted in the abstraction of network B)?
If so, what is the new value of fc of the network B?
Will the threshold fc change If we add more 100 levels of a nodes, where all nodes between black nodes and the purple nodes have the same degree as the black nodes (each black node has 4 degree, as depicted in the abstraction of network B)?
If so, what is the new value of fc of the network B?
- fc of A is ~0.729 and fc of B is ~0.749
- fc of A is ~0.636 and fc of B is 0.666
- fc of A and B are ~0.729
- fc of A and B are ~0.636
- None of the above
Very interesting question, but is f_c against random failures or targeted attacks to high-degree nodes? Also, I don't know how to estimate f_c except by simulations.